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2 posts tagged with "update"

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· One min read

Version with build number #14 is available for testing. New features/fixes:

  • Functional improvement: On applicationOpened event triggers again on devices, when application resumes. It does not trigger if an update was done less than 5 minutes ago, or if scanner was launched 5 minutes or less ago. This is solves the problem, that applicationOpened event was triggered (on android) even when camera (barcode scanner) returned control back to application.
  • new Icon was created :)


Download beta app here:

· One min read

Version with build number #13 is available for testing. New features/fixes:

  • title & message are not overlapping in the status screen
  • dedicated "update" button was added (shows when showUpdateButton: true and apiUrlOpened is not empty). When clicked, it triggers a request to the apiUrlOpened url with event name "updateRequested"

Download beta app here: